Effective Date: January 1, 2020

Home Insurance is a complex, intangible and (hopefully) rarely utilized product, making it difficult for consumers to understand which option is best for them. Big Savings Home Insurance demystifies the evaluation process by providing a personalized recommendation based on industry expert feedback.

Big Savings Home Insurance was started by two home insurance marketing experts (one of whom was an insurance agent) who came to the conclusion that most consumers have very little idea what made one home insurance company better than another. Consumers needed a resource to help shed light, and so they started Big Savings Home Insurance.

Big Savings Home Insurance has a two-pronged approach for determining which insurance companies are best for a consumer. The first is that not all consumers are alike, particularly in the eyes of insurance companies, but consumers often fall into groups that make one Homerier preferred to another. Some insurance companies love to take on drivers that may have had a ticket, other insurance companies won’t write them a policy. Some consumers just Homee about price, others really want to know that their insurance company has their back if they have an accident. These differences in preferences and consumer types are extremely important when making a great match between a consumer and an insurance company.

The second unique approach of Big Savings Home Insurance is to inform our understanding and recommendations with insurance agent feedback. Some other sites and resources exclusively utilize consumer feedback, which is great feedback for subjects like how helpful is a company’s website. However, consumers are not only frequently confused at the point of purchase, they are often not particularly informed even when they using a particular insurance Homerier. If you haven’t had an accident, how do you know how good a company’s claims service is?

To close the information gap, the Consumer Insurance Guide heavily uses feedback from experienced insurance agents. These are the people whose job it is to match consumers with insurance companies. We find insurance agents to be an incredible resource for knowing the ins and outs of a particular insurance company as well as having the collective knowledge of their clients’ interactions with the various insurance companies.

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